Tell the RESTORE Council: Map the Gulf Seafloor
There is so much life living on the ocean floor in the Gulf that needs saving and protecting. Five years after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster began, there is still much we don’t know about the bottom of the Gulf. Mapping the seafloor is a critical first step for marine restoration that will protect marine wildlife, their habitats and the coastal communities who depend on a healthy Gulf.
Take action now and tell the RESTORE Council they need to make mapping the Gulf seafloor a priority in order to help all the ancient wildlife that live there.
It’s Time to Get Rid of RoundUp!
The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer found that glyphosate, commonly sold as RoundUp, is a “probable human carcinogen.” Something that “probably” causes cancer, should never be used for human consumption. We are exposed to this chemical in our every day lives, in the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe. The EPA and FDA are not doing enough to protect us from this potentially harmful chemical.
Tell the EPA to suspend the use of glyphosate until a meaningful evaluation of the herbicide’s carcinogenicity is done as a part of the EPA’s ongoing registration review. Also tell the FDA they should begin monitoring and enforcing tolerance levels for glyphosate residues set by the EPA immediately.
Ban Fracking on Public Lands
Fracking has already caused serious damage to our public lands, particularly in the areas that serve to buffer America’s most precious national parks and monuments. By the end of 2014, oil and gas companies had leases on over 34 million acres of public land, and over 200 million more acres are currently being targeted for drilling.
No amount of regulation will protect us or our public lands from the impacts of fracking. Regulated fracking still results in harm to people’s health, accidental spills of toxic waste, air pollution, earthquakes, drinking water contamination, habitat destruction and worsening climate change.
The only way to protect ourselves and our land from the risks of fracking is to ban it altogether.